Know The Interlinking Relation Between Obesity And Sleep Apnea

Obesity itself is not the only disease to be concerned about but rather all the obesity-related complications are also diseases you should be aware of. There are several such diseases like heart diseases, hypertension, high blood pressure, asthma, osteoarthritis, depression, etc. Similarly, sleep apnea is also a problem that is caused by obesity. Today we are going to discuss about Sleep Apnea and how it can be resolved with the help of bariatric surgery . Read on to find out more. What Is Obesity? Obesity is a metabolic disease in which the person begins accumulating too much fat, to a limit when it starts to interfere with everyday life and adversely affects health. When the body mass index of a person becomes equal or more than 30, that person is classified obese. What Is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a respiratory condition, in which the person, involuntary stops breathing for a period during sleep. The duration ranges between 10-20 seconds usually. This discontinuati...